It Is Good To Be By Nature!

Today I went on a walk along the Fox River!  I learned there was an advocate for the environment called The Fox in the 1970’s!  He fought companies that were polluting the river!  Because of him, the river is much cleaner then it otherwise would have been!  I feel we owe him and his supporters a great debt!  Go Fox stop pollution!

One thought on “It Is Good To Be By Nature!

  1. Pat Hettinger

    Yes, the Fox hit a place where I am working (wasn’t working there too long). The place was one of the worst polluters on the river. The factory dated from World War I so it’s no wonder it was inefficient and dirty.

    The factory shut down many years ago but probably not long enough ago to undo the damage. There was 6 feet of sludge in the basement at one time.


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