Teachers Are Wonderful

Remember your teachers!  Teachers teach people total lessons to really keep their skills!  Teachers want their students to learn!  It was your teacher who others left!  Teachers try to help you read!  It is teachers who help you in the worst situations!  It is teachers who really care!  Teachers believe in you!  My teachers were really nice to everyone!  They were really pleasant people!  Everyone should thank their teachers!

2 thoughts on “Teachers Are Wonderful

  1. Gabby

    Ann. this is amazing. You are so sweet and considerate. It warms my heart and puts a smile on my face to read this. We love working with you, Annie.

  2. Nancy G

    You are so right about this Ann! The good teachers stick with you all your life, inside of you! Also, my favorite teachers were the ones who really loved their subject…I had an art appreciation teacher named Max…all he did was show us slides of artwork and talk to us. But he really loved art, and it helped me to love art. He also liked his students and seemed happy, so I think that made it nice to be around him too!


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